Saturday, September 8, 2007

Finishing The Rig

I needed more odds and ends to finish the rig. Eyebolts, nuts, 5 minute epoxy, spray paint, etc. Told Suzi Ineeded a couple more dollars worth of stuff---ended up $28.

I used 5 minute epoxy to mount the cut off rotisserie spit to the motor as a crank shaft:

I then used PVC cement to assemble the rig:

Here is the assembled rig with the motor in place but not mounted:

It all got a couple coats of black spray paint:

And here is the rig hanging where Clara will haunt: on the corner of our front porch:

Next year she'll get her own Mausoleum, but for now we'll make a facade off the corner of the porch and surround the back with black plastic sheeting. I'll post pics of the facade as it gets assembled and put in place.

Time for Suzi to get started on the ghost and we'll see how she flies.

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